It was 23 july,my first Day in TCS Trivandrum.I reached there scared wishing that all my documents get accepted by them.You should really be conscious about your documents because they are very strict.Most important your service agreement paper blanks should not be typed.It should be filled with blue or black ball point pen only.I thought to share it on my blog so that the one who are coming here should be well prepared.Especially NON-CS people should at least learn something before hand otherwise you will be in trouble.You will have to work very hard.
I will explain it clearly starting with Day 1.
I will explain it clearly starting with Day 1.
Day 1-You will be asked to gather in one auditorium where your papers will be checked and submitted.They will collect first set 1 which consists of
1)Medical certificate
2)Service Agreement Paper with all its supporting papers i.e IT returns or land estimation paper and pan card xerox of surety.
3)Criminal Affidavit
1)Medical certificate
2)Service Agreement Paper with all its supporting papers i.e IT returns or land estimation paper and pan card xerox of surety.
3)Criminal Affidavit
Set 2- It consists of all the original mark sheets from 10th to graduation,passport if there,pan card,gap certificate if any and any certification.Be ready with the certificate for verification.
The xerox are collected after wards given a time of one week.A blue file will be given to you to fill other confidentiality agreement paper and other details.
On the very first day your account will be opened.Ours was done with AXIS Bank.There are many banks here.
The xerox are collected after wards given a time of one week.A blue file will be given to you to fill other confidentiality agreement paper and other details.
On the very first day your account will be opened.Ours was done with AXIS Bank.There are many banks here.
The most important thing PAT test was taken on the very first day surprisingly.So be prepared for such surprise.Top 30 will be selected among them and they will be given a chance to choose their own stream like java,dot net,java bipm,unix/c++,mainframe.Luckily I was one among them and i choose JAVA.I am just crazy about Java.The questions of PAT test was from the basics of java,unix,javascript,database,S/w engg etc.
That was a good thing that happened that day rest was a very hectic schedule.We were so tired.
Day 2-We were given our ID cards and shown various videos reflecting the glory of TATA.Many TCS people will come and will give you lectures about all the DO’s and Dont’s.Finally at last the time came when our learner’s group and base branch was allocated.If you are a PAT topper you will mostly get your first preferences.I got my first choice TCS Kolkata.Besides many got their first preferences but many didnt get any that they had filled.Be ready for everything.
Day 3-You all will be given schedule ,ultimatix login details etc.It means your training had started.!!!!
Rest is just the compromised life.Compromise with food,accommodation and faculty if you got a bad one.Ours is really very nice.only one suggestion if you are from north india be ready to have experimental food.Because i think i had never had a satisfied meal till now!!!All the Best.If you have any query just post here!!!
Basic core java Question..
ReplyDeleteI have got the offer letter from Tcs but i don't have the tcs eligibility criteria because i have secured 232 rank in code vita and i was exempted from Tcs eligibility criteria when Tcs will do the background verification on me they will take this matter into the consideration that I'm from code vita right?
ReplyDeletei have got TCS joining letter. i was selected into ITIS business unit. Can i know whether we have any exam on pre-ilp or not. if it is there, when will they conduct after the joining?