TCS ILP training - Experiences and facilities

Every Multi National IT company (MNC) in India has its own training program for college graduates. ILP (Initial Learning Program) is 1 of such program OF TCS (Tata Consultancy Services) – India's leading It service provider company. It is 3 around months long training for converting college graduates to industry ready resources. Along with learning technical things, there are many activities for personal grooming too which you will enjoy a lot.

Day 1 in ILP
1st day in Tcs is 1 of your busiest and hectic day as you have to complete all your joining formalities like documentation verification, bank account opening, other hr sessions etc. Be prepared to spend at least 10-12 hours in company on very first day.

After joining TCS, Initial Readiness Assessment (IRA) exam is conducted on the immediate Monday of your joining to measure your knowledge on Aspire and Tech Lounge. But from October 2014, this IRA exam is conducted on the first day itself. You have to go through two exams - IRA 1 and IRA 2.

IRA 1 contains 40 questions and time limit is 30 minutes. There's no negative marking in IRA 1 and cut-off is around 55-65(depending on the aspire score) out of 100. If you are unable to pass the exam, you will get remedial. Even if you can't clear the remedial your ILP will be rescheduled.

IRA 2 consists of 30 questions with time limit of 75 minutes. In IRA 2, don't guess the answer as there is negative marking. Among 5 options, all the questions may have 1 to 3 appropriate answers. But, the good news is that their is no cut off for this one. 
So don't worry!

The results of both the exams are given on that day itself.

Day 2 in ILP

Various session related to HR, Security, TCS policies, Finance are planned on this day. In auditorium you have to sit and different experts will come and inform you regarding all the functions of TCS and its policies. You all will also be assigned streams like Java, Testing, Unix – C++, BIPM, SAP, Mainframe etc.

1st phase of Initial learning program
It is mainly designed for non CS people as CS people will find it very easy. All the associates will be taught basics of streams what they got. i.e. Java stream people will learn Java related technologies, Unix – C++ people will learn C++ - Unix technologies. There will be many hands on which you have to complete and also some quizzes and tests for your evaluation. You all will be provided with training materials like recorded sessions and other useful resources.

2nd Phase of ILP
Different teams will be formed (8-9 people in 1 team) and whoever performed best in phase 1 will be chosen as team leader. You all are given 1 project to work on having 2-3 modules. So team will be further divided and assigned a separate module to work on. Collectively you have to develop and present your project.

You will bizz skill sessions a lot. Normally you will have 3 tech sessions and 1 biz session in a day. Focus of biz session will be on improving your english, presentation skills. Email writing skills and conversation skills. This will help you a lot if you are little shy or afraid to speak in public.


  1. On what basis tech streams are allocated ?

    1. Any certificataion i did,,, branch,marks collage
